St. Paul Miki Oemoro Church

Father Dominikus Baok, SVD is a missionary priest belonging to the Society of the Divine Word. He was ordained to the priesthood on October 3, 2006 in Timor-Indonesia. He was assigned to Chicago SVD Province, after professing his perpetual vows.
Since May 2008 he has been working in a number of different parishes in the Diocese of Willing-Charleston, West Virginia. In 2008-2012, he was assigned to serve in three different parishes:
St. Thomas Parish in Gassaway, West Virginia
Risen Lord Church in Clay County, West Virginia
St. Ann Parish in Webster-Spring, West Virginia
St. Anthony Shrine - Boomer, West Virginia (2018 - up to now)
From 2012-2014, he was assigned as an Administrator at Holy Family Parish in Richwood, West Virginia. At the moment Fr. Dominic is residing at Washington DC SVD community while pursuing his Master degree in TESOL at American University.
PLANTING THE SEEDS OF LOVE help the Catholic Community of St.Paulus Miki Oemoro, Timor - Indonesia
Finally the final stage of St. Paul Miki Oemoro has been done
Current condition as of August 2019 of St. Paul Miki its almost final finishing stage
past present
Happy little boy with a great joy, he knew that he would has a new worship place
St. Paulus Miki Oemoro Chapel is a spiritual home for less than 800 poor and traditional peasant families. It is located in a very remote village of Indonesia, precisely in Oemoro, in the sub-district of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. This small Catholic community is part of the territory of a newly established Parish: St. Steven of Noehaen.
New build blueprint of St. Paulus Miki Oemoro Chapel

St. Paulus Miki Chapel construction has begun. It is the home town of Father Dominic Baok, SVD. It is located in Oemoro, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Pictures below are the event of the first stone installment by Fr. Alfons and the people of Oemoro, signifying the beginning of their house prayer.
February 24, 2018
The planting season has done in Oemoro village, so they starting to continue for the construction. They were bought the building materials as they needed. All peoples in Oemoro together helping to build their house prayer.
We hope to know that I and Father Dominikus Baok, SVD and the peoples in Oemoro appreciate deeply your contribution and will always remember your kindness in our prayers.
Walls are under construction
May 05, 2018, current situation of the constructions as of May 11, 2018. People worked together men or women helping to build this worship place.
They bought thousand of stones ( called " batu angin") for build the wall.
Today August 25, 2018 - They are starting built the top part of the church
Pictures as of September 20, 2018
The roofing under construction
Below is picture as of September 25, 2018
Picture as of October 14, 2018
Peoples in Oemoro had cut the wood from their own forest
Pictures below as per 6/12/2018, the peoples in Oemoro had cut the wood for the roof from their own forest. The wooden roof structure of the church is built from trees grown in the villager's own forest. The Johar tress produce these hard and durable woods that can last for decades.
Start to install part of the top of the Kapela (November 05, 2018)
Picture below as of January 25, 2019
They will put new windows for each side of the building
Happy little boy with a great joy, he knew that he would has a new worship place
WINDOWS and DOORS installation
Build the Altar
Installation stained glass with the name and saint of the donatur
The Oemoro Project Highlight